Sporting Clubs in Ballina
Things to do in Ballina
Things to do in Ballina
There are numerous things to do in Ballina and Ballina RSL offers a huge variety of sporting opportunities for all club members. For further information on any of these, please contact the appropriate representative.
Chairman: Darren Murnane
Secretary Treasurer: Graham Brown
T: 02 6686 6370
President: Mark Newsham
T: 0408 647 245
Secretary: Col Dorey
T: 0427 788 264
The Fishing Club hold their monthly meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Ballina RSL Club. Fishing times are announced at each of these meetings, however generally Estuary Fishing is from 2pm Saturday – 12 noon Sunday on the weekend before the meeting (BBQ lunch afterwards), and Deep Sea Fishing is held the Sunday after the meeting from daylight start till 1pm. Cost to join is only $20 for Ballina RSL Club Ltd members. Anyone is welcome to join including juniors (14 years+). An annual competition is held in the categories of Juniors, Ladies and Opens.
President: Adrian Leiper
T: 0412 224 028
Secretary: Tracey Smith
T: 0418 963 132
The Golf Club meet every Sunday. Hit off time is from 6-7am. Most games are played at the Ballina course, with a few games held on away courses throughout the year. Membership is only $5 for Ballina RSL Club Ltd members. Women and juniors are welcome.
President: Martin Whitehead
T: 0414 371 125
Secretary: Peter Fitness
T: 0412 996 481
The Marine Modellers club meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month from 9am to midday, at Kingsford-Smith Lake. Visitors are most welcome, look for the big green container with the club logo and mural on its sides, If you are interested in joining us, or simply want to talk model boats, just speak to any club member for further information.
Rifle Club activities are temporarily suspended until further notice.
President: Ray Smith
T: 0411 150 236
Sceretary: James Elliot-Smith
T: 0401 899 160
The Air Rifle Club started in 1980. They meet twice a week, on Tuesday afternoons from 5.30-7pm and on Saturday mornings from 10am – noon. Membership is $5 per year. Members of the Air Rifle Club must also be members of the Ballina RSL Club Ltd and the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA). They must also hold a current firearms licence. All three cards must be shown prior to being allowed to shoot each session. The Club has approximately 50 registered members.
President: Stephen Jenner
T: 0418 253 040
Secretary: Richard Glavocih
T: 0488 290 958
The Snooker Club hold competitions at the Ballina RSL Club. All competitions – names in by 4.30pm by direct registration on Challonge or phone/text to the organiser. Matches commence 5.30pm sharp.
Monday nights A&B Grade Tournament Snooker, Tuesday nights Social Handicap Snooker, Main & Repechage draws, Wednesday Nights Round Robin Snooker and Thursday nights Social Handicap Snooker, Main & Repechage draws. Casual games are open to new players wanting to join in. The Snooker Club has an annual program of different competitions, such as Snooker Doubles, Billiard Championships, Handicaps Snooker and Handicaps Doubles. As part of the Far North Coast Snooker Association, they also participate in 7-8 major championships throughout the year. 1 year membership of the Snooker Club is only $5 for Ballina RSL Club Ltd members.
President Greg Davidson
T: 0412757653
Secretary: Dave Paulson
The Winter Swimming Club meets every Sunday from 9am at Shaws Bay over the cooler months (Easter – October). They often play a social game of volleyball before the swims. Their affiliation with larger swimming organisations allows the Club to regularly compete in National Title competitions. Membership for the Winter season is only $5 for Ballina RSL Club Ltd members.
President Jacqueline Beresford
T: 0412887707
Secretary : June Beresford
T: 0419492139
The Summer Swimming Club meets every Sunday from 8am at the Olympic Pool in Ballina over the warmer months (October – Easter). The competition is run on a handicap basis which means you do not need to be an excellent swimmer, you just need to compete on a regular basis! Membership for the Summer season is only $5 for Ballina RSL Club Ltd members.